Tuesday 25 September 2018

Online shopping

Recently I was buying something online. I noticed that things that are on sale or on promotions bring our attention easier even though we don't really need them too much. On shops sites there are lots of advertisements of things that are on sale or on promotion which make us look at them and start thinking if we might need them. Online shops persuade us to buy more things by using different tricks like free shipping above certain amount. Also I noticed that things online are usually cheaper than in regular shops, but considering the costs of shipping, total amount can be the same unless you are buying lots of things. Shopping online can be tricky because we buy more things than we initially wanted or things that we don't really need at all so we spent more that we would spend in regular shop.


  1. You seem to running around in circles - for example, the first two sentences say the same. Then, the other ideas you mention (free shipping and the lower price illusion) are given unnecessarily much space. Organise your thoughts and try to say something new and interesting in every sentence.

  2. Well, I must agree with your sighting. There hasn’t been a time that I left an online shopping website with at least one product added to my wish list
