Monday 30 October 2017

The History of Bicycles #1

Bicycles have been around us for two hundred years. Some sources say that even Leonardo da Vinci sketched a primitive version of a bike in 1493. Bicycles have evolved a lot during that time. Below I have put together the most important and interesting facts about the beginning of bikes.

The first bicycle - was called "The Celerifere" and had no steering, no pedals and was all made of wood, it was created by a French engineer in 1790. "The Draisienne" - similar bike but upgraded with front wheel steering was created 30 years later by a German Baron. To use those bicycles you had to seat on them and propel them by your feet hence the English name "push bike". Nowadays kids learn to keep balance on similar bikes.

       The Celerifere 

                           The Draisienne

Adding pedals was a huge improvement - 20 years after "The Draisienne" a Scottish blacksmith added first pedal set-up. It was a giant step forward because you could ride more effectively and for longer distance. Macmillan who created this bike rode 70 miles to visit his family.

 "The Boneshaker" - created in 1866 had steering, saddle and cranks with pedals which propelled the front wheel. But riding on it was a little difficult because it's wheels were made of metal so on cobblestone roads you can imagine how uncomfortable it was, that's why it was called "The Boneshaker".

                                                    "The Boneshaker"

"High Wheeler"- before "Safety Bicycle" was created in 1885 which had a technical concept similar to what we ride nowadays, bikes had big front wheels. Why? Because the bigger wheel you had the longer distance you could ride on one revolution of cranks. So people wanted as big a wheel as was available to the length of their legs.

It's all for today, I will continue the history of bicycles in my next posts.


  1. This is really interesting. I thought that the bikes with huge front wheels were the earliest and it turns out they weren't.
    By the way, the modern small bikes without pedals for kids terrify me - the kids can move at enormous speed and quite a few times I almost ran over a child who sprinted onto a zebra crossing without any warning. They should be banned!

  2. So it looks like we're going back to the roots of the bicycle evolution - the pedalless bikes are now trendy among parents of small kids, and I'm just waiting for the hipsters to start using high wheelers. I'm really looking forward to seeing them on the streets being "fancy" riding those :)

  3. Nice post! It's interesting and has some new facts that I didn't know before.
    And there is also one a little bit funny (for me) thnig - The Celerifere it looks lika snake on wheels ;)
