Monday 23 October 2017

Danny MacAskill

Today I'm going to write about a man who inspires and motivates me to ride bikes, his name is Danny MacAskill. He was born in 1985 in Dunvegan which is a small town on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Now he is probably the most famous bike rider in the world.

He started riding bikes as a child riding around where he grew up. He published his first video "Inspired Bicycles" on April 2009. I like this film because we can see there how he tried to make progress and even if he failed he never gave up. He still sets himself new goals and tries to achieve them which we can see this on his latest video "The Ridge". It is also interesting to see the "the making of" where it is shown how he overcomes the hardships while making the stunt. He also makes his productions trying to show us the beauty of the cities or the tragedy of them e.g on his film "Epecuen" where he shows us a place which is completely destroyed by water. In his films he does things that are unenviable for most people. Tricks that he makes are very very difficult and they take lots of time to learn. When I ride a bike I often think of him, of his skills and tricks that he has made on his films and I hope that if I try really hard one day I will be able to make similar video.

Inspired BicyclesEpecuen
The Ridge - Making frontflip
The Ridge - Making the gap


  1. Hoping that one day... you will be as good as him!

  2. He seems like a truly inspiring character. Aren't these tricks a tad dangerous? Or is this what makes them so alluring?
    I didn't quite understand what you meant by "unenviable" in : 'he does things that are unenviable for most people'.

  3. No wonder you find him inspiring, what you've written about him sounds both amazing and motivating at the same time. If I were into bikes just like you, I think I'd also like to identify my goals with a person like this.

  4. I watched some of his films and I totally agree with You. By the way I also love cycling espessialy mountain biking.
