Saturday 11 May 2019

Social Media

Nowadays we hear more and more about social media addiction and the effect of internet using on our brains. This video shows only few of the results of being enslaved by media, comparing too much internet using and being online obsession to taking drugs. Although first ones are psychological and the other physical, the outcome in our brain is similar - degradation of some regions of white matter. The other effect is inability to fully focus on the job because we are all the time watching and listening if our phone doesn't buzz, which makes us disturbed and our work ineffective. There were also studies showing that people who use social media heavily are less likely to do well at multitasking. It is interesting however, that partners tend to have better relations and higher chance on successful relationship in the future if they have meet for the first time online.

To buzz
I'm waiting for my phone to buzz, i'm expecting an important message

My phone impairs my work if it buzzes all the time

To rewire
I had to rewire the whole cable circuit

Monday 18 March 2019


The whole video is about an illusion which is not so obvious but probably many people have faced it at least once in their life. It is very interesting that it is only caused by the sun and shadows also it shows how accustomed we are to surrounding world. It is so that in many paintings, pictures, and even religions dark is down and light is up, this is so important that International Space Station has lights mounted on one side to make it easier for the astronauts, likewise cartographers create maps as if the sun was above them which is impossible in the real world. It shows how easy it is to twist and confuse our brains.

This polygon is convex


After the crash his car had many dents

Sunday 3 March 2019


The question in topic is taken from everyday life. Getting completely soaked in the rain is the situation which everyone has gone through at least once in his life. During this unpleasant time we often ask ourselves if is it better to run or to walk. This problem is explained in the video and the answer to this is not that obvious as it may seem and I think that not many people got it correct at first. I very much like the scientific way how the problem was explained, also pictures and animations used in this video were clear and helped to understand what author wanted to show.

parallelepiped (3D parallelogram)
parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides which has the same length

The needle must be slanted to fit properly

Sunday 16 December 2018

Post Offices

As I buy and sell lots of things on the internet I have to use post office services and every time I do I feel disappointed and angry because of wasted time. It is not only my opinion. Most people I talked to about post services which they had used, said that they were terrible. There are many reasons why I think this system doesn't work properly. First of all post offices transformed into shops where you can buy books, magazines, office articles, drinks and many others things unrelated to the duties  of post offices and you can't easily and effectively do what you have to do there. There are always queues because there is only one officer who has to take care of everything; it could take 3 minutes to send a parcel but it will take 23 minutes for en elderly lady to pay her taxes. During the rush hours maybe more counters open but not all of them even if there is a big queue waiting to be served.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Pointless dispute

Some time ago I read a discussion on the internet about cyclists riding on pavements. This particular was about the area of Merkury shopping centre and I found it pointless for many reasons. Generally I agree that cyclists should ride on bike lanes or on the streets, however it's very dangerous to ride on the streets of Warsaw because many drivers don't pay attention to cyclist and overtake them at high speed and without keeping proper space between the car and the biker. Second thing is that cyclist are rudely told to ride on the other side of the car lanes where in fact the bike lane is but it is this side of the street where the restaurants, shops and offices are located so you would need to go long way to the zebra crossing and back again on pavement which is nonsense. Last thing which I noticed was a general conclusion saying that cyclists are bad and don't care about the people walking on pavement. Bike society isn't as mean and rude to people walking on the centre of bike lane or crossing it wherever and whenever they want. It would help if people were able to make more objective judgements and before they criticize someone they should think if they are not doing equally bad things to others.

Why are alt-right politicians becoming more and more popular?

For sure some people just don't like actions of left side politicians who were in charge for many years now and maybe the results weren't satisfying for some people, who blame them for their misery. Alt-right politicians promise what people want to get promised and thus manipulate them. That's why societies voting for them don't see any bad effects of what they are planning to do and they are somehow blind to reality. Also in countries like Brazil which is going through big crisis and it's going to collapse people think that politicians who were in charge during this crisis can't help anymore. They are desperately trying to change anything and they believe that voting on alt-right politicians is the only option to achieve that.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Electricity addiction

Recently there was a disruption in warm water supply in my apartment . I found it very irritating even though I really didn't need warm water at that time. Of course you can wash your hands or even yourself in cold water even if it isn't nice, but it's getting colder and colder outside and during the winter it would be very unpleasant, you could get sick easily. But this incident brought me a question. What would we do if there was  a blackout in Warsaw. There would be a huge problem that you can't use your computer or charge a phone. You could learn or read a book instead but there would be no light, you would need to use a headlight. In older buildings with gas cookers fitted instead of electric ones, so you could boil water, cook some meal or make yourself a tea. The problem would be in modern buildings where you can't have a gas cooker. When there is no electricity you can't use oven, cooker, kettle or microwave. Nowadays we are for some reasons addicted to electricity, of course I mean smartphones and computers but also everyday stuff like cooking, having light, using lift or having water.