Saturday 11 May 2019

Social Media

Nowadays we hear more and more about social media addiction and the effect of internet using on our brains. This video shows only few of the results of being enslaved by media, comparing too much internet using and being online obsession to taking drugs. Although first ones are psychological and the other physical, the outcome in our brain is similar - degradation of some regions of white matter. The other effect is inability to fully focus on the job because we are all the time watching and listening if our phone doesn't buzz, which makes us disturbed and our work ineffective. There were also studies showing that people who use social media heavily are less likely to do well at multitasking. It is interesting however, that partners tend to have better relations and higher chance on successful relationship in the future if they have meet for the first time online.

To buzz
I'm waiting for my phone to buzz, i'm expecting an important message

My phone impairs my work if it buzzes all the time

To rewire
I had to rewire the whole cable circuit

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