Sunday 16 December 2018

Post Offices

As I buy and sell lots of things on the internet I have to use post office services and every time I do I feel disappointed and angry because of wasted time. It is not only my opinion. Most people I talked to about post services which they had used, said that they were terrible. There are many reasons why I think this system doesn't work properly. First of all post offices transformed into shops where you can buy books, magazines, office articles, drinks and many others things unrelated to the duties  of post offices and you can't easily and effectively do what you have to do there. There are always queues because there is only one officer who has to take care of everything; it could take 3 minutes to send a parcel but it will take 23 minutes for en elderly lady to pay her taxes. During the rush hours maybe more counters open but not all of them even if there is a big queue waiting to be served.

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