Saturday 10 February 2018

Should people spent money on space exploration?

Since time immemorial people were looking into the sky searching for stars and planet. But they didn't know exactly what was in there. Secrets of the universe are still unexplored. But is it worth spending money to get to know them? The mysteries of the universe are very interesting and probably solving them would help explaining lots of phenomena also here on Earth. Although here on our Blue Planet humanity has lots of problems which need money for solving like global warming, pollution, poverty, wars, diseases. All of them need to be sorted out. Comparing to the gravity of these problems exploring the space is a minor issue. First of al we should take care of the Earth, of the problem which influence us directly.

1 comment:

  1. This paragraph is nowhere near the model we agreed on.
    1. The poetic intro was not asked for.
    2. There is no topic sentence so we don't know what your opinion is until we suddenly learn what it is at the end.
    3. Misused liking words confuse the reader even further, e.g. 'although'.
    You can obviously experiment with texts but it's a good idea to first learn to write according to the commonly agreed principles, before you start breaking them.
