Tuesday 9 October 2018

Electricity addiction

Recently there was a disruption in warm water supply in my apartment . I found it very irritating even though I really didn't need warm water at that time. Of course you can wash your hands or even yourself in cold water even if it isn't nice, but it's getting colder and colder outside and during the winter it would be very unpleasant, you could get sick easily. But this incident brought me a question. What would we do if there was  a blackout in Warsaw. There would be a huge problem that you can't use your computer or charge a phone. You could learn or read a book instead but there would be no light, you would need to use a headlight. In older buildings with gas cookers fitted instead of electric ones, so you could boil water, cook some meal or make yourself a tea. The problem would be in modern buildings where you can't have a gas cooker. When there is no electricity you can't use oven, cooker, kettle or microwave. Nowadays we are for some reasons addicted to electricity, of course I mean smartphones and computers but also everyday stuff like cooking, having light, using lift or having water.