Monday 19 March 2018

"The Tree of Life" review.

The Tree of Life is a short film in which David Attenborough wants to show us the relations between all kinds of life. In a simple and understandable way he explains the Darwin's theory of evolution. The animations which support the film make it visually more attractive and comprehensive.The facts from the film are too basic and obvious however, and most people won't learn anything new from it. Attenborough doesn't explain or show what proves Darwin's theory, which is the main subject of this film. The Tree of Life is worth watching only by people who don't know anything about it and want to extend their knowledge.

Monday 5 March 2018

Is it possible that we will stop being a throwaway society?

Being a throwaway society is so deeply rooted in us that it would be nearly impossible to change it. Disposable things made our life so much easier and comfortable that we won't resign of  using them. We just buy them for very cheep money and then throw them away without thinking about the blight which is done on the environment because of that. We don't have to mend things, we can easily replace them with a new ones. Maybe in a few years when we will run out of natural resources we will start thinking about cutting back on spoiling Earth.